Learn more about the science of living well
The science behind Supagene is tried and true. Read on to discover our stringent processes and state-of-the art technology.

Highly accurate analysis.
Your DNA analysis is performed in CAP-accredited and CLIA-certified labs in Malaysia. Our rigorous process utilises microarray-based autosomal DNA testing, which analyses over 600,000 SNPs in the genome. Producing sequencing reads at 99.9% accuracy, you can rest assured that your report is backed by cutting-edge research and technology.

The largest genotype archive for Asians.
Genotyping looks at the differences in genetic make-up of an individual - and that's exactly what we do at Supagene! Using Illumina's Asian Screening Array, our researchers select from over 600,000 variants and markers - many of which are specific to East and Southeast Asian populations.

Smarter AI, at your service.
Our in-house, one-of-a-kind AI algorithm builds your DNA report with personalised recommendations based on your genetic risks. Say goodbye to complex, hard-to-decipher medical terms and hello to straightforward, easy-to-follow actionable plans.

No time to waste.
Join the SupaStars who have uncovered their genetic health today.